When you embark on a construction journey, it is essential that you know all the options available to you. Knowing your options ahead of time helps you to make the most informed decisions. This can often save you a lot of money and headache in the future. Here we will learn more about the advantages of using closed cell foam for an unvented roof. Foam roofing is growing in popularity because it is affordable and easy to install.
SPF Roofing
Foam roofing systems create a rigid and durable surface. Despite the fact that it is foam, you can walk on this surface once it is properly installed. The surface is also sealed against leaks using a closed cell polyurethane barrier. People choose this option because SPF (Spray Foam Polyurethane) is the only type of roofing material available with no seams. This is very important when it comes to maintenance down the road.
Foam roofs are easily installed around pipes, vents, and edges.
Environmentally Friendly
If you are looking for environmentally friendly roofing materials, you want to find a material that will save energy for the building or home and is unlikely to wear out quickly. Roofing materials that must be replaced often create waste that must be disposed of. When proper maintenance schedules are followed, the SPF roof will last for the life of the building.
Another added bonus of using this system is that it gives you added insulation. SPF has been hailed for years as one of the best types of insulation you can have installed in a building. When used as a roofing material, you are simply adding even more insulation value. This translates into better energy efficiency and money saved.
Seamless Roofing
One of the oldest problems in roofing has always been seams. Seams allow water to come in and heat to escape. This creates a less than efficient roofing system. Figuring out how to seal seams has been an important part of roofing innovation for many years. SPF roofing solves this problem once and for all. Spray foam roofing has no seams. It is water tight and provides the best insulation.
Choose Your Roofing Specialists Carefully
Most roofs will come with a warranty. However, this warranty is really only as good as the company that is providing it. You should research to ensure you are working with a reputable company. You can talk with past customers who have already worked with the provider. This will give you solid information concerning customer service policies, warranty, dependability, honesty, and other key factors.
Roofing is a major part of any construction project. To ensure you are getting the best possible deal and the best quality roof, you will need to do your own research to find out what types of roofing options are available. Talk to other homeowners as well to learn more.